Oh No Not This Shit Again

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Strictly speaking this is supposed to be dramatic, but you know...


Crimson: We've got a complaint, sir. A guest found a pan-dimensional hellhound in their soup!

Monkey: Again?


A simple comedy dialogue trick is to have something bizarre happen, then have someone say "not once more", implying it's happened earlier. The bodily phrasing tin can vary. A slightly less funny version (unless done just right) is where it actually has happened before, on-screen, and the character is simply pointing that out.

A variation is to take the character say something along the lines of "This is just similar Ten all over again," where X is something typically ordinary, such every bit prom, or graduation.

See also Hither We Go Once more, and This Is Gonna Suck, which can be combined with it. Is often used in conjunction with the Noodle Incident (especially if what happened the last time hasn't been mentioned or seen before, particularly if the "This is merely similar X all over again" variation is used).

Related to Didn't We Use This Joke Already?

Examples of Oh, No, Not Again include:


  • Non long ago, Jared's came out with another Dave/GPS commercial; naturally, Dave invokes this trope every bit he remembers what happened last time.

Anime & Manga

  • In the beginning of Chrono Crusade, Rosette wails, "Why does this sort of thing always happen to me?!" afterwards her mission to exorcise a demon ends in her crashing a ship into the Statue of Freedom. The very next chapter confirms that this sort of disaster happens because of her all the fourth dimension.
  • Early in Cyborg 009 when the cyborgs were painting their ship, 007 accidentally knocks down a bucket of pigment on 008'south head while arguing with 006. A noisy hunt ensues, which 004 comments laconically:


004: Non once more.


  • During the Buu Saga, after Piccolo and Gotenks notice the ruins of the Lookout, Piccolo states "the Watch is destroyed... over again." Those who've watched the Anime volition most likely think back to the Garlic Jr. Saga, which is the only other time that the Picket was destroyed (onscreen, anyway). Similarly, when Krillin, when trying to come up up with an alibi for Gohan's whereabouts to Chi-Chi, considered saying "Gohan'south been kidnapped again!" With the only other onscreen time he was kidnapped was during the events of the film Dead Zone.

Comic Books

  • Silver Age Superman once flew through Hell, causing Hitler to look up and shout "Oh no, not again!" Golden Age Superman had defeated Hitler in ane of Action Comics's first issues.
  • Negation had the Catch Phrase BOHICA (Bend Over — Here It Comes Over again).
  • The prototype at Joker Immunity it's from The Batman Adventures comic Mad Love. It has the last two words of this trope. (The panel before showed Batman hitting the Joker out of a train and him proverb: "Oh, no...")
  • The Trope Image comes from Batman issue 246 where he discovers Robin dead in a clock tower.

Comic Strips

  • In an early on FoxTrot arc, Andy becomes quite paranoid that her hubby Roger is having an affair, when he calls to tell her he'll be abode late again. As Andy continues to think of ways he could exist lying to her about what he's really doing, Roger counters her questions with noun answers. He even puts the telephone up to his desk chair and says "Listen — you know how my chair squeaks?" "Sounds like bedsprings", Andy replies, and Roger yells for a coworker named Fred to "get over hither and talk to [his] wife", to which the coworker groans "Non over again..."
  • The Far Side. A hippie stops at a house to ask for directions; upon noticing that the person he'south speaking with is an elephant-bird-giraffe-man, the human being says, "Oh, wow, déjà vu."
  • In a Garfield strip, Garfield is complaining about how there's only reruns on TV, and leftovers in the fridge. Then Jon runs by, screaming about how the plumbing has backed upward, and pirahnas are spawning in the toilet. Garfield's reaction? "Again?!"

Fan Works

  • In A Very Potter Musical, when Voldemort and Malfoy are making an Unbreakable Vow (i.eastward. a spit-milkshake):


Malfoy: (before Voldemort can exit of the shake) And you lot have to be my slave for a whole day starting now!

Voldemort: Yous little shit! Y'all got me, oh this is and then embarassing! That's the second time that'due south happened!


  • In the Potter Boob Pals episode "The Vortex", we have this exchange:


Hermione: Professor Dumbledore! Ron's trapped in an alternate dimension!

Dumbledore: Oh no, not once more!


  • Even so more Harry Potter silliness: Oh God Not Once again is a breezy Peggy Sue-parody fic in which 23-yr-old Harry gets to relive his entire babyhood fortuitously having done it all before.
  • Used to lampshade the increasingly frequent instances of "darkness enfolding him" in ToyHammer.


 "Darkness enfolded me. Once again."


  • Said by Fakir in Princess Tutu Abridged: "Did I only get taken out by a ninety pound ballerina? Damn, not again."
  • Takamachi Nanoha of 2814 has a spectacular example that is entirely in line with canon.


 "I am going to die a virgin," Tuxedo Kamen said, and so added conscientiously, "Again."


  • Negi Springfield in Equal and Contrary Attraction quotes this verbatim before passing out when he discovers that, yet again, he is teaching mages in his class.

Films — Live-Action

  • Used twice in Mousehunt. First, when the Mayor faints later swallowing half a cockroach, his married woman yelps, "Oh, no! Not again!" Later, when Lars and Ernie go to the beast shelter and ask for a savage cat, Mory tells them he has the perfect one: "I had all but given upwardly hope of anyone wanting him. Nosotros were virtually to gas him again."
  • John Hurt's character gets out this line during his cameo in Spaceballs when a miniature Alien bursts out of his chest — which is, of grade, a Shout-Out to his role in Alien.
  • This is Mark Hamill'southward response to his hand getting chopped off in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. It's likewise a Shout-Out to the last time Mark Hamill lost a hand.
  • Along similar lines, in Attack of the Clones when Anakin dives off the side of a speeder in the middle of high-speed, flying traffic, all Obi-Wan can come with is, "I hate it when he does that."
  • In Mary Poppins, about fifty chimney sweepers roll out of the Banks family's fireplace and beginning dancing around singing. And the starting time thing the melt says when she sees them is, "They're at it once again!"
  • After a hotel-roof shootout in Last Activity Hero, culminating in a crane causing a helicopter to crash, Jack Slater (portrayed by Ah-nold), asks his kid sidekick to bring the car around. Upon beingness informed that the helicopter landed on it, he replies, "I detest information technology when that happens."
  • Dice Hard 2: "How can the aforementioned shit happen to the aforementioned guy twice?"
  • In Beerfest, Jay Chandrasekhar'southward character wakes upwardly naked in the middle of a field after a night of heavy drinking. Lying adjacent to him is a dead deer with claret around its neck, Jay'due south character with blood all over his oral fissure. "Ohhh, not once again!"
  • Rick O'Connell in The Mummy Returns upon seeing the Soldier Mummies back in activeness. "Oh no, not these guys again!"
  • In Scott Pilgrim vs. the Earth, Scott's sister Stacey finds out Wallace has seduced her new boyfriend behind her back. Her response? "Wallace? AGAIN?!"
  • In Aeroplane! II: "Ted, I have the strangest feeling we've been through this verbal same thing before."
  • At the very finish of the Doctor Who television movie the Doctor is only settling downwards to relax in his TARDIS when his gramophone starts to skip, causing it to repeat the give-and-take "time" over and over once more, just similar information technology did at the start of the movie. The final line is the Doctor'southward despairing "Oh no... not again!"
  • In The Great Muppet Antic when Beauregard drives his cab into the Happiness Hotel and and so into the kitchen:


Pops: Well, information technology looks similar steering cycle soufflé for dinner.

Janice: Once more?



  • The Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy, where two missiles in flying are turned into a whale and a bowl of petunias. The whale has an entire internal monologue, but the bowl of petunias just thinks "Oh no, not once more." One of the sequels actually explains why it thinks this, turning it into a Brick Joke.
  • A subtle instance from Discworld: In the kingdom of Lancre, a kid'due south legal name is whatever the priest calls them at christening. One of the characters later mentions a former king named "My God He'due south Heavy the First".

Alive-Action Television set

  • The Office: "He'southward put my stapler in the jelly again!"
  • Stargate Atlantis: When Dr. Weir's mind is taken over by an alien, anybody reacts with stupor. Except McKay, who just whines, "not over again". We'd seen another character taken over by aliens a few episodes before. Earlier that, McKay himself had had a woman's heed inhabit his brain and take over his body. McKay also says this when he'south trapped in a sinking ship for the second fourth dimension.
  • Similarly, in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, a warning of the impending apocalypse is met with "again?" We've seen several near-apocalypses before.
  • Xxx Stone
    • In an episode, Liz, trying to figure out why a hot man wants to date her, tells him at one point that "If you're a gay guy looking for a beard, I don't do that anymore!"
    • In another episode, she asks Jenna, "What's going on? Why are existence so happy and nice? Are you soaking your tampons in vodka again?"
  • Get Smart
    • A more specific version is one of the best-known running gags from Maxwell Smart.


Max: The quondam Professor-Peter-Peckinpah-all-purpose-anti-personnel-Peckinpah-pocket-pistol-under-the-toupee trick. That's the second time I've fallen for it this calendar month.


    • He also notes that some absurdly large items are "the second biggest __ I've e'er seen."
  • Smallville:


Chloe: Clark has amnesia.

Lois: Once again?


  • Queen Machina in Power Rangers Zeo when Mondo is struck downwardly by the Super Zeo Megazord.
  • Tenaya on Power Rangers RPM, the 2d fourth dimension Dr. K grabs her violin.
  • The MADtv sketch "Gump Fiction" had Phil LaMarr reprise his role from Lurid Fiction. As a nod to the meta, he shouted out, "Non over again!".
  • On Press Your Luck, one of the Whammy animations featured one attempting to blow up the contestant'south winnings with a Plunger Detonator, only to take information technology accident up in his face up instead; this is followed past "Not once more..."
  • On The Big Bang Theory, when Sheldon sees Leonard and Penny kissing later on they've broken upwards, he sighs "Oh, friggity-frack, not this again."
  • Played with on Parks and Recreation:


Leslie: Some guy handcuffed himself to a pipe in my role because we wouldn't put a copy of Twilight in the fourth dimension sheathing.

Ben: (sarcastic) Dammit, again?


  • A Sabrina the Teenage Witch episode had her aunts warning Sabrina about wish magic in which if a witch desires something or someone plenty that their magic can make them spontaneously appear. The aunts demonstrate this by saying the name of singer Randy Travis 3 times and he promptly appears in their kitchen. Travis looks around and instead of freaking out he sighs and says "Howdy Hilda, how-do-you-do Zelda and yous must be Sabrina. I've heard a lot nigh yous."
  • In a late season half-dozen episode, How I Met Your Mother went meta when Ted responded to something Barney said with him having the feeling that in fact, they collectively learn the reverse lesson at to the lowest degree one time every year for a while now.
  • Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide: in the Guide to Money, one of Cookie'southward several failed attempts involves a failed ventriloquism act. Moze sees the poster, and she invokes this trope:


Moze: Oh, no. Not Baxter Bear!


    • And since no further description is given in the series, it tin can exist assumed that she is referring to a Noodle Incident of some sort.
  • Md Who
    • The trope appears in the episode "The Insubordinate Flesh":
    • And this gem, from "Night Terrors":
    • Past this point, Rory had already supposedly died seven times, and just twice off-screen. It's something of a subversion though, since he's not actually expressionless this time.
  • When Leverage'due south Eliot uncharacteristically starts making Sophie tea, Parker asks her if she's hypnotized Eliot "once more".
  • From Dinosaurs when Robby is sent home with a alphabetic character from his teacher.


Fran: "Dear Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair, your son Robert was expelled from school today for rejecting all known belief and threatening to obliterate the foundations of social order!"

Earl: Again!? What is information technology with yous?



  • From David Lang's "Are You Experienced? I. On Beingness Hitting On the Head": "What happened? That felt like... a blow to my head! That's twice this week!"


  • In the Sherlock Holmes novel The Sign of Four, Holmes has been forgoing sleep out of frustration with the instance, and Mrs. Hudson remarks to Watson, "I hope he's not going to exist ill, sir." The radio adaptation with Clive Merrison changed this line to "I hope he'southward not going to be sick once more," highlighting Holmes's habitual self-neglect.

Video Games

  • Baldur'southward Gate 2 has a moment like this has a moment that is somewhere between Heartwarming Moment and Narm, if you pursue a romance with (widowed) Jaheira you will at one point be ambushed by bandits, and y'all accept the choice of taking an pointer for her... Which causes the somewhat narmy reaction of "Boom you filthy bogslimes! Non Over again!"
  • In the Wario Ware series, Ashley's theme song includes the lyrics "Pantalones giganticus! / Oh no, not once again!" to conclude a presumed spellcasting endeavour by the young witch. What actually happened is left as an exercise to the audience.
  • At the offset of the Squad Fortress ii video "Meet the Spy", the huge wall-o'-signs that low-cal up in combinations to form letters similar "Warning" — "Cerise SPY" — "IN THE BASE" has i that just says "Once again", meant to be used at the end of whatever message. (This board was afterward turned into an bodily in-game prop in the map Double Cross.)
  • The gunkhole helm from God of War, every time Kratos pwns him.
  • In Paper Mario the Thousand Year Door, Peach is beingness held captive by the X-Nauts and laments "I can't believe I've been kidnapped! Again!"
  • Said past Grunts/Unggoy in Halo: Combat Evolved when struck by a plasma grenade or chased by needles from a needler.
  • In the Monkey Island series, Guybrush Threepwood has a tendency to say "that's the 2d-[superlative] [substantive] I've ever seen!"
  • I of the quotes that a Gruntz may say when information technology dies.
  • In Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, if Frank W wins a match, zombies will evidence up and chase him downwards. Sometimes, he'll angrily mutter, "Once again? Why do y'all guys always go for me?"
  • In King'south Quest Vi: Heir Today Gone Tomorrow, Alexander says "Not again!" when he gets defenseless by the druids on his second trip to the Isle of the Mists. This "Not once more!" quote marks the 2nd time that he's been captured (the beginning time was by the Winged Ones).

Web Animation

  • In Sitcom #391 by ryoshenron:


Bobby: I only stole the neighbor lady'southward laundry off of her wearing apparel line, so nosotros tin can frolick around in my firm in her panties... once more.

Tommy: That sounds similar a smashing idea, Bobby.


  • In one Homestar Runner curt, Strong Bad'southward office figurer explodes, reducing information technology to ashes. Strong Bad declares information technology the worst calculator explosion he'south always seen. One of his computers had, in fact, exploded earlier and so. Twice.

Web Comics

  • In a Heart of It All comic, a spinoff of Concession, the Author Avatar exclaims "Non again!" upon being bodily carried away by an FBI agent as he's slowly turning into a Martian.
  • Girl Genius: "A bucket? Again?"
  • Xkcd: The Alt Text for this comic is "Why practise all my attempts at science end with me being punched by Batman?"
  • The Order of the Stick
    • Roy: "Damnit! Not again!" Yes, information technology's the 2d time this day they've misplaced a party member.
    • Celia joins in this strip.
    • And Durkon in this ane.
  • Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic, strip #200.


Nike: It'south your goblin friend, Gren! She's been captured by pirates!

Bob: Oh no... not again!


  • Non in these exact words, simply the implication is there here in Questionable Content.
  • Drowtales: Fifty-fifty though the line isn't spoke aloud, fans agree that this is what was going through Quain'tana's caput when Syphile jumped out to shout a challenge. It's all in the expression.
  • Bobwhite: Ivy leaves some fish in the care of her roommate Marlene. Seconds later, several of the fish are expressionless. Marlene says, "I wish I could say this is the fastest a friend's pet has died in my care. I really do."
  • Slick in Sinfest, upon... falling into Fire and Brimstone Hell.

Western Animation

  • The Simpsons
    • Barney Gumble often says this. One time after mistaking a life-sized, woman-shaped bottle of cranberry juice maple syrup for a woman, knocking "her" over and flooding the store.
    • Another fourth dimension, later drinking an "all-syrup Squishee" and waking up in a Greek cargo ship wearing a crewman's outfit.
    • In an episode of The Simpsons, Homer organizes half the population of Springfield into forming the globe'south largest human pyramid. However, thanks to human stupidity, the pyramid collapses and instead turns into a behemothic ball of people that rolls down the streets of Springfield. As he runs for his life from the ball, Hans Moleman cries out, "Non once more!"
    • In another episode, when virtually all of Springfield has joined the Movementarians Rev. Lovejoy is seen spreading gasoline on the church floor.


 "I never idea I'd have to practise this again."


    • "Can't we accept i meeting that doesn't finish with us earthworks up a corpse?"
    • "Can't we just call in David Bowie?" — He'due south already done so much for this church.
    • "Now, at present love. It'south just until Daddy pays for the destruction of a priceless American artifact. (despondant sigh) I never thought I'd accept to say that over again."
  • In The Venture Brothers first episode "Dia Los Dangerous", Doctor Venture wakes upwards in a bathtub full of water ice, with a missing kidney, and says, "Not again," then realizes this ways he'south missing both kidneys, causing him to calmly say, "This is serious."
  • In a reference to one of the original shorts that inspired South Park:


Stan: Put the lid on the snowman, Tweek.

Tweek: But what if it comes to life and tries to kill us?!

Stan: C'mon, when has that Ever happened, except for that i time?


  • SpongeBob SquarePants
    • In an early episode, Mr. Krabs' arms pop off while attempting to pull a dime out from a drain. Spongebob says the stock phrase exactly, implying that Mr. Krabs loses his arms on a regular basis. Even within the same episode Mr. Krabs lost his artillery again, and it became a running gag that in a state of daze, disapproval or other emotional duress, he sometimes literally falls apart. There'due south too the repeated occurrence of Squidward accidentally swallowing his clarinet, but Spongebob only references it in a later episode when information technology grows from a simple gag to a plot-guiding calamity- he pulls the clarinet out of Squidward's throat, but its reed breaks off and remains stuck, requiring medical attention from Sandy to remove information technology.
    • Mrs. Puff says this after briefly considering irresolute her name and moving to another boondocks after giving Spongebob a boating license before he'south qualified to drive.
    • When he and Squidward think SpongeBob ate a bomb disguised as a pie, Mr. Krabs said he's seen this earlier. When questioned on it, he merely replies he'd seen it 11 times. Then Squidward, in guilt, calls the doctor for help, the medico plainly tells him the exact same affair as Mr. Krabs.
  • Code Monkeys: "Goddamn it, that's the second time I've eaten shit this week!"
  • In The Grim Adventures of Baton and Mandy Christmas Special, the mall they visit for Christmas is ultimately burned to the ground (Baton'southward fault), causing Grim to wonder why every time he takes them to the mall it burns to the footing. Billy blames the economy.
  • From The Critic: "Oh good heavens!! Can't one single dinner go by without our having to discuss your rotting corpse?!"
  • The classic bumpers from Rocky and Bullwinkle:


Rocky: And now...

Bullwinkle: Hey, Rocky! Lookout man me pull a rabbit out of my chapeau!

Rocky: Again?!


  • Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Across the 2d Dimension:
  • Rugrats: When Charlotte arrives at the part late, her relieved assistant Jonathan says, "I idea you lot'd been abducted by eco-terrorists over again."
  • In the My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic episode "The Cutie Mark Chronicles", the Cutie Mark Crusaders' endeavour to earn their Cutie Marks via zipline fails and ends with them covered in tree sap and pine needles. Frustrated, Scootaloo gives the following statement:


Scootaloo: It's no apply. No thing what nosotros effort, nosotros e'er end up without our Cutie Marks... and suprisingly often, covered in tree sap.


    • In the episode "A Friend in Act", Pinkie says she accidentally put the confetti in the oven and the block in the confetti cannon... over again!.
  • In an episode of Wildfire, the title horse agrees to be a wage in an endeavor to rescue a friend of his. To win, the heroes have to find out where a certain troll lives and what his proper noun is. Afterwards they finds the troll, he says they'd need six clues. Based on their experience trying to find the troll, Sara deduces his name and won. She then returns to the mortal realm, where her Native-American friend, Helen, learns her dream name but isn't allowed to tell anyone. Sara then asks for a clue and Helen says she'd need six. Sara and then invokes the trope.
  • Wakfu, season 2 episode 4:


Evangelyne: Amalia and Ruel have gotten themselves turned into ghouls!

Sadlygrove: Once more? Ruel volition terminate upwardly getting a taste for information technology...


  • Sam and Max Freelance Police


Max: Curses. Foiled by a clip on tie. It'southward Prom Night all over again.


  • From The Adventures of Tintin:


Tintin: Mrs. Finch! A man'south been shot on our doorstep!

Mrs. Finch: Not once again.


  • From Animaniacs when the Warners meet Sherlock Holmes:


Yakko: This always happens. Every time we become our hands on a fat chubby sidekick, whammo, he'southward kidnapped past a Scottish guy, with a huge sombrero, in a flying contraption.


Real Life

  • Texts From Last Night has this as its 2d near common trope (I'grand sure you lot tin can approximate the showtime.) This one is particularly squeamish:


#1: Banned from zoo.

#2: Again?


  • I from QDB. Comes with a side dish of Squick.
    • There's another one with less Squick and more Too Dumb to Alive.
  • In ane edition of Inaugural, Keith Olbermann called out the TSA for detaining a high-ranking member of the British government who was working with the Section of Homeland Security considering his name was the same as one on their spotter list - and it wasn't the first time it had happened to him.


  "He's in the Cabinet! And we patted him down for weapons at Dulles Airport! Again!!"



Source: https://tropedia.fandom.com/wiki/Oh,_No,_Not_Again

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