Jim Breuer Long Live Pain Funny Story

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Michael Brown
Oct 16, 2010 rated it it was amazing
Recommends it for: Michael Huntley
"I'm Not High" by Jim Breuer is probably one of the best memoir/autobiographical books I have read in a long time. It is funny, sad, humorous, poignant, and thought provoking. It is a read-it-in-one-day type of book.

Now some of you might not remember or know who Jim Breuer is… he is best known for being "Brian" in the cult classic stoner comedy "Half Baked" and also know for his "Goat Boy" and "The Joe Pesci Show" on SNL. If that still doesn't ring a bell – look him up on youtube after you get d

"I'm Not High" by Jim Breuer is probably one of the best memoir/autobiographical books I have read in a long time. It is funny, sad, humorous, poignant, and thought provoking. It is a read-it-in-one-day type of book.

Now some of you might not remember or know who Jim Breuer is… he is best known for being "Brian" in the cult classic stoner comedy "Half Baked" and also know for his "Goat Boy" and "The Joe Pesci Show" on SNL. If that still doesn't ring a bell – look him up on youtube after you get done reading this post. He is really funny.

The subtitle of his book is "(But I've Got a Lot of Crazy Stories about Life as a Goat Boy, a Dad, and a Spiritual Warrior)." And that my friends peaked my interest… what comedian has the balls to say that he is a "Spiritual Warrior"? – that and I had seen his latest standup special on Comedy Central about year ago and it was great – funny straight on "high-larious" as Ross Perot would say – I remember watching it with my Dad and laughing.

Our journey with Jim starts out in Vegas where he had just "crushed" his set and he ends up talking to this Security Guard about Christ, God, life, truth, and writing. A cleaning lady stole/took all the writing he did on a plane and in the room the night before and he and the Hotel management had to go hunt for it and the cleaning lady returned most of it. It was a great way to jump in. It really set the stage for the rest of the book.

The Themes of Comedy, Family, Friends, and God run fluidly throughout this book and not always in that order. We learn he was nearly aborted and his mother refused to do so. We also learn that his mother's first husband died in WWII and that when his mother and her family went to the funeral her husband's family and Catholic Priest didn't even acknowledge his mother or their son (Jim's older brother Eddie). This event affected Jim and his family and their outlook on the Church for years to come. We learn how he started to catch the acting/comedy bug very young. How he got on to SNL and the creation of some of his most popular characters – The Joe Pecsi Show and Goat Boy.

But, in the end, that is just the icing on the cake; the book is about sooo much more. We learn about his friend Kristen. Then we see Steve Harvey, Bill Cosby, and many others speak truth and wisdom into his life. We watch how God protects his marriage from his cheating, as he prays to God to protect him from cheating, and how God answers that prayer. Even as he is getting to the point of saying screw it, I am going to go have some fun, his wife shows up at the club and he doesn't go through with it. In the end he gets fired from a TV show – which in the end he sees as a blessing.

We see glimpses of the dangers of fame from his life as he doesn't listen to what he feels God is telling him and he signs a bad contract. And we also witness through his eyes the tremendous talent that was Chris Farley and the downward slope of his life with drugs, women, and enablers. He even gets this feeling in his gut to call Chris days before Chris' death. He swears and admonishes us to never ignore the feeling to call someone and talk because that might be the last time we are able to.

Then Jim tells us about helping take care of a nephew, the struggles in his marriage, and caring for his elderly Dad (the airplane crap story is both hilarious and sad at the same time – I kinda felt bad laughing as I read it).

Through it all, you see and he sees how God has guided and led him and at points it seems he is a heck of a lot closer to God than a lot of Christians. He might not be born again (yet) and might not read the Bible, or know all 10 commandments but a lot of Christians could learn a lot from him and this book.

This is by far one of the funniest and most poignant books I have read in a very long time. If you are looking for a book to tickle your funny bone, and help you reminisce, and even challenge you as a man, a father, a husband, a brother, a friend, a son, a Goat Boy, or even as a "Spiritual Warrior", this book is for you.

From Third Option Men http://bit.ly/dddoV5

Oct 06, 2010 rated it really liked it
I have always loved Jim Breuer so when I saw that he had written a book yesterday when I was at the bookstore I had to read it. It wasnt just a funny book.. it was a book about a man who has completely lived a life that is different than what he looks like he would live. When you look at him you think that he prob. smokes all day long and frequents taco Bell at 3am, before sldes out of bed late to go to work...maybe..lol... But Jim is a responsable, loving, caring person who loves his family and I have always loved Jim Breuer so when I saw that he had written a book yesterday when I was at the bookstore I had to read it. It wasnt just a funny book.. it was a book about a man who has completely lived a life that is different than what he looks like he would live. When you look at him you think that he prob. smokes all day long and frequents taco Bell at 3am, before sldes out of bed late to go to work...maybe..lol... But Jim is a responsable, loving, caring person who loves his family and does everything in his ability to make sure that their lives are well lived as well. I love the fact that he not only takes care of his father but that he takes his family on tour.. I love that, and i love him.. he's just ggreat. ...more
Laura K
Nov 19, 2017 rated it really liked it
I did not like Jim Breuer all that much during his stint on SNL (hated goat boy) and only started liking him after I heard him years later on Howard Stern. I've seen him live a couple times and love him now. I listened to the audiobook (which he narrates) and I think that is the only way to enjoy the book. He does not sound like he's reading - just more like casually telling some stories about his life and his voice impressions are so good. He seems like such a fun and caring guy who doesn't hav I did not like Jim Breuer all that much during his stint on SNL (hated goat boy) and only started liking him after I heard him years later on Howard Stern. I've seen him live a couple times and love him now. I listened to the audiobook (which he narrates) and I think that is the only way to enjoy the book. He does not sound like he's reading - just more like casually telling some stories about his life and his voice impressions are so good. He seems like such a fun and caring guy who doesn't have a big ego. This book was published in 2011 so I heard parts of some of the stories before in his interviews but it was still great. Hope he writes another book soon. ...more

"I killed the cats!"
If you don't know what I'm talking about, you need to watch this guys stand up act! hilarious, especially if you are a parent!


"I killed the cats!"
If you don't know what I'm talking about, you need to watch this guys stand up act! hilarious, especially if you are a parent!

May 10, 2011 rated it really liked it
So anyways if you don't know who this is, he was on Saturday Night Live in the 90's (Goat Boy, Joe Pesci) and has a radio show on Sirius Radio. He was in Half Baked as well, which is hilarious. About a year ago he came to the Funny Bone in Richmond, VA and Kelsey and I went to see him and we laughed out butts off. I think this is why she bought it for me. I thought it was great! I didn't even know I could read that fast! haha. Most of the book is funny stories of him growing up and of course sto So anyways if you don't know who this is, he was on Saturday Night Live in the 90's (Goat Boy, Joe Pesci) and has a radio show on Sirius Radio. He was in Half Baked as well, which is hilarious. About a year ago he came to the Funny Bone in Richmond, VA and Kelsey and I went to see him and we laughed out butts off. I think this is why she bought it for me. I thought it was great! I didn't even know I could read that fast! haha. Most of the book is funny stories of him growing up and of course stories about Will Ferrell, Chris Farley, Adam Sandler etc. etc. from SNL. I would have bought this book for those stories alone. I think anyone around my age would agree that some inside information on those classic SNL guys is great! I laughed out loud a ton. But more importantly, I thought it was cool to read how normal he was and is today. He is pretty religious (which inspired me to buy my next couple of books) but at the same time he has had his crazy moments. He dabbled in weed and alcohol and had the fame life and lived with Dave Chapel for a while so he definitely had some fun but he also never strayed on his wife and is an awesome father. He is also an awesome son considering his father needs help going to the bathroom and Jim does that for him daily, but Ill let you read the book to get all those details! After I read the book, I loved it so much that I wrote him an email to tell him how great it was to read it. He wrote me back a couple hours later with a pretty lengthy email and it was awesome! I have a way with D list celebrities! haha

All and All, this book was great and it did so much for me. It has made me enjoy reading, which I do almost every day now and it has made me want to find more out about all kinds of things in life which is why I bought a bunch of books about Heaven, Hell and in between. But im not gonna go all weirdo cameirdo on you all, I got funny ones too. I just want to enjoy this before I decide movies are easier again! :)

Sep 22, 2010 rated it it was amazing
This is a great book for any lover of SNL and Jim Breuer. I was sad to read about the egos that the producers on the show have and how that prevents the comedians from reaching their full potential. I would've liked to have read more stories about Breuer's Dad. He alsways tells them when he is on Howard Stern and they are hilarious. Overall, I would recommend this book. This is a great book for any lover of SNL and Jim Breuer. I was sad to read about the egos that the producers on the show have and how that prevents the comedians from reaching their full potential. I would've liked to have read more stories about Breuer's Dad. He alsways tells them when he is on Howard Stern and they are hilarious. Overall, I would recommend this book. ...more
Jan 18, 2011 rated it liked it
I heard Jim interviewed on Rosie's radio show. I enjoyed reading this book. Jim Breuer has lead a very interesting life! At times it jumped around a bit and I wish that he had expanded a bit more in parts. I learned a lot about working on SNL the good, the bad and the ugly. I wish that he would have included a picture of his wife since she is a huge part of his life. I heard Jim interviewed on Rosie's radio show. I enjoyed reading this book. Jim Breuer has lead a very interesting life! At times it jumped around a bit and I wish that he had expanded a bit more in parts. I learned a lot about working on SNL the good, the bad and the ugly. I wish that he would have included a picture of his wife since she is a huge part of his life. ...more
Dec 11, 2011 rated it liked it
Breuer is pretty funny guy, and there are occassional glimpses of it in this book. Nevertheless, it meanders without much discipline that would make a biography well done. I did appreciate the fact that he's not a typical low life and honors his wife in the book. I was impressed. If you like SNL then this provides some good insite on a funny guy. Breuer is pretty funny guy, and there are occassional glimpses of it in this book. Nevertheless, it meanders without much discipline that would make a biography well done. I did appreciate the fact that he's not a typical low life and honors his wife in the book. I was impressed. If you like SNL then this provides some good insite on a funny guy. ...more
Stephen E
Sep 22, 2011 rated it really liked it
Wow did I like this book. Jim Breuer is funny and honest, and has had a very interesting life. I listened to it on audio, which I recommend... Breuer himself reads and performs it, and his impressions make it really fun. The book completely exceeded my expectations.
Jan 09, 2012 rated it really liked it
Picked this book up for just a few bucks at a book sale but it turned out to be a good read. Breuer is a great storyteller and uses this book to really give you an insight into the type of guy he really is and the life experiences that helped make him that way.
May 01, 2012 marked it as to-read
I tried to read it but i didn't expect the religious bits...I may try again sometime when i'm more open to his battle against the "dark forces".

Also.. Audio was BAD idea.. his voice is good for Stand up.. really annoying though for a book.

I tried to read it but i didn't expect the religious bits...I may try again sometime when i'm more open to his battle against the "dark forces".

Also.. Audio was BAD idea.. his voice is good for Stand up.. really annoying though for a book.

Jessica Fuller
Fantastic book, definitely gives you a clear view of who he is, and you a clear view that it's normal to make mistakes and struggle with every day life, because yes he does it too! Fantastic book, definitely gives you a clear view of who he is, and you a clear view that it's normal to make mistakes and struggle with every day life, because yes he does it too! ...more
Amy Kearns
Eh, not that funny. Not that good. Love the guy but the book was sort of disappointing.
Jun 07, 2016 rated it did not like it
Terrible book. Did not finish. Not funny. Too much Jesus talk. The best thing about this book is its title.
Fred  E. Parker
This was a heartwarming collection of Jim's personal recollections. The parts about his Dad were particularly helpful to me as I was dealing with the mental and physical decline of my father at the time. The dignity and grace of Mr. Breuer during his father's difficult moments was an inspiration to me and an example of how I could act in my own situation. This was a heartwarming collection of Jim's personal recollections. The parts about his Dad were particularly helpful to me as I was dealing with the mental and physical decline of my father at the time. The dignity and grace of Mr. Breuer during his father's difficult moments was an inspiration to me and an example of how I could act in my own situation. ...more
Douglas Lord
Nov 02, 2015 rated it really liked it
I opened this book completely ready to hate it. I planned to drive to his house and hurl the flaming book through his picture window. Instead, I found a funny, heartfelt, likable read. JB, as we'll call Breuer, comes across as equal parts vulnerable, tough, and smart, and it all swirls around in a dudely, well-rounded ineptitude that everyone can relate to. While his story includes some of the frippery you might expect from a "very funny dude from Long Island" (i.e., someone who makes interdepar I opened this book completely ready to hate it. I planned to drive to his house and hurl the flaming book through his picture window. Instead, I found a funny, heartfelt, likable read. JB, as we'll call Breuer, comes across as equal parts vulnerable, tough, and smart, and it all swirls around in a dudely, well-rounded ineptitude that everyone can relate to. While his story includes some of the frippery you might expect from a "very funny dude from Long Island" (i.e., someone who makes interdepartmental prank calls at Sears and scams drinks at bars with fake Tourette's), the anecdotes tend toward recounting formative experiences with friendships, family, and the death of loved ones and show how he confronted them to the best of his abilities. The unflinching boldness JB exhibits, while naïve, is endearing and unexpected, as is his honest, if untutored, relationship with God. A good example is when Chris Farley called our author shortly before his death, and JB felt that God was urging him to "reach out to another human being." While acknowledging this is "kooky and surreal," he maintains that it is also a legitimate regret, one he doesn't intend to repeat. Further, he urges readers to "at least just give it a shot" if they find themselves in a similar situation. Despite derailing about three-fourths of the way through amid self-congratulatory vagaries and assurances that he is totally devoted to his family, readers are left with a normal dude: funny, brave, and real.

Find reviews of books for men at Books for Dudes, Books for Dudes, the online reader's advisory column for men from Library Journal. Copyright Library Journal.

This book had the weirdest tone. Jim Bruer comes off as a narcissist trying to give spiritual advice, and it just comes off as odd and self centered. Being about him and not about God.

One example of this is an antedote about Chris Farley. He says himself that he and Chris Farley were not friends. One night he got a call from Chris Farley, drunk and high, asking for reassurance, to pray for him, etc. Jim Bruer says that God set up that call so he could help Chris.

Being a Chris Farley fan I've rea

This book had the weirdest tone. Jim Bruer comes off as a narcissist trying to give spiritual advice, and it just comes off as odd and self centered. Being about him and not about God.

One example of this is an antedote about Chris Farley. He says himself that he and Chris Farley were not friends. One night he got a call from Chris Farley, drunk and high, asking for reassurance, to pray for him, etc. Jim Bruer says that God set up that call so he could help Chris.

Being a Chris Farley fan I've read everything I could about him. Chris was notorious for doing this. He'd call people wrecked several times a day or week. Everyone from close friends and family, to random people he just met. That Jim Bruer thought a conversation with him would change the course of a heroin addict he didn't know and would have saved his life just came off as Bruer having a massive ego and name dropping on Chris's infamous early demise.

Bruer also states what a Christian he is, but one of his most famous characters is Special Ed. A voice of a retarded child. As someone that works in the special education classrooms sometimes this obviously offends me.

Jim Bruer's stand up has had me howling on the floor laughing. But he comes off, for lack of a better word, as kind of a dick. Not someone I'd ever go to for spiritual advice.

He seems to love his family and Dad, so that was nice I guess. Otherwise, skip this book.

Sep 12, 2011 rated it it was ok
I should preface this review by saying it was only $5, I purchased it during my local Borders going-out-of-business sales. This is a memoir of the comedian Jim Breuer, formerly of Saturday Night Live, he is best known for his portrayal of Goatboy and Joe Pesci. He currently does a once a week comedy show on Sirius XM, and frequently appears on Stern and Opie and Anthony's radio show. Did we really need a memoir from a C-list celebrity/comedian like Breuer? Well, no, of course not. But... it's ac I should preface this review by saying it was only $5, I purchased it during my local Borders going-out-of-business sales. This is a memoir of the comedian Jim Breuer, formerly of Saturday Night Live, he is best known for his portrayal of Goatboy and Joe Pesci. He currently does a once a week comedy show on Sirius XM, and frequently appears on Stern and Opie and Anthony's radio show. Did we really need a memoir from a C-list celebrity/comedian like Breuer? Well, no, of course not. But... it's actually not half-bad (I wanted to give it 2.5 stars, but they don't allow that on Goodreads), there's a few funny anecdotes from being on the road as a standup comedian, his early days working with Tracy Morgan, and his SNL years. His stories of SNL pretty much mirror what everyone who works on that show has always said - it's basically a big pain in the ass with lots of petty politics permeating the whole operation, but at the same time an amazing experience. Some of his anecdotes are surprisingly poignant even. However, the sum of the parts in the book don't really add up to anything overly deep or extraordinary (and Breuer's connections of seeming coincidences in his life to divine intervention are frankly just cringe-worthy at times), so I can't strongly recommend buying the book... but if you happen to see it at a bargain basement bin in your local bookstore, then it might be worth checking out. ...more
Rachel Sours
Oh, my gosh. I loved this book. It was not at all what I expected. I actually didn't' really know who Jim Breuer was. I knew of him but couldn't tell you where I recalled him from. His ability to tell stories from at and foremost is what sucked me in. I was glued instantly. It didn't matter that I knew nothing about him or his career. His life is normal, sad, happy, silly and everything in between. There are several moments in his book that strike you hard. I remember being blind sided by one pa Oh, my gosh. I loved this book. It was not at all what I expected. I actually didn't' really know who Jim Breuer was. I knew of him but couldn't tell you where I recalled him from. His ability to tell stories from at and foremost is what sucked me in. I was glued instantly. It didn't matter that I knew nothing about him or his career. His life is normal, sad, happy, silly and everything in between. There are several moments in his book that strike you hard. I remember being blind sided by one part and I had just pulled up to work. (I listened to this which I HIGHLY recommend.) I had to sit in my car and pull myself together so people didn't ask me if I was alright. There were hilarious moments as well where you bust out laughing. I couldn't hold it in. The second best part of this book was his openness to share struggles and his spirituality. It is from beginning to end his sharing of looking to God and feeling his guidance. It wasn't pushy or preachy. It was just real. Love, LOVED this book. That says a lot since again I didn't know him but know I am so glad I know a lot about him. ...more
Jun 30, 2011 rated it liked it
$4.00 clearance book. Can't beat that!!!! Let's go Breuer!

Well, for 4 bucks I definitely can't say I was ripped off! This was suprisingly heartfelt and sincere. I felt like Breuer was being honest with me. There were some chuckle-worthy moments, but nothing really making me laugh out loud, which was a little dissapointing considering his stand-up is Hilarious!!! I was shocked at how much he talked about God... in a good way. His dad stories are so funny. Everything was so positive, so up-beat. I

$4.00 clearance book. Can't beat that!!!! Let's go Breuer!

Well, for 4 bucks I definitely can't say I was ripped off! This was suprisingly heartfelt and sincere. I felt like Breuer was being honest with me. There were some chuckle-worthy moments, but nothing really making me laugh out loud, which was a little dissapointing considering his stand-up is Hilarious!!! I was shocked at how much he talked about God... in a good way. His dad stories are so funny. Everything was so positive, so up-beat. I could picture him saying everything he wrote. It felt like Jim Breuer, that's a good thing.

If you're not familiar with Jimmy, he was on SNL in the 90's as goat boy and Joe Pesci, stared in Half Baked as the STONER, had a radio show on Sirius Radio for a while and I think recently has been doing (pretty much) family friendly stand-up.

I strongly suggest you watch his comedy central special.... I killed the cats is still what my husband says to me when I get that certain mad, possessed look going on.

Mary Ann Spier
Aug 10, 2012 rated it really liked it
Listened to the audiobook and if you are interested in reading this book I would recommend listening rather than reading just because Breuer is a charismatic storyteller and is always adding in hilarious impressions of people mentioned in the book, as well as extra details that weren't included in the print version. I can see how some people might be a little put off by the spirituality and religion mentions, but Breuer comes off really genuine, down to earth and likeable. The only negative thin Listened to the audiobook and if you are interested in reading this book I would recommend listening rather than reading just because Breuer is a charismatic storyteller and is always adding in hilarious impressions of people mentioned in the book, as well as extra details that weren't included in the print version. I can see how some people might be a little put off by the spirituality and religion mentions, but Breuer comes off really genuine, down to earth and likeable. The only negative thing I can say is that at times it's a bit boring, but what I really liked is hearing about how well he handled set backs and was more family-oriented than interested in fame or fortune. My boyfriend also listened to the audio version and said he's skeptical that many things in this book even happened, but overall it's a nice story and Breuer is definitely a good storyteller. ...more
Jul 08, 2011 rated it liked it
This is such a hard book to review. I think I was expecting it to be filled with humor and it was not. It was really just Jim Breuer telling you stories about his life. They were fairly interesting, but not necessarily entertaining. He seems like a nice guy, but these are the kind of stories that I would find interesting if they were coming from a close friend, not from someone I've never met. The other thing that got old fast was how many times he was "smoking hot", how many times he "totally s This is such a hard book to review. I think I was expecting it to be filled with humor and it was not. It was really just Jim Breuer telling you stories about his life. They were fairly interesting, but not necessarily entertaining. He seems like a nice guy, but these are the kind of stories that I would find interesting if they were coming from a close friend, not from someone I've never met. The other thing that got old fast was how many times he was "smoking hot", how many times he "totally smoked a room", how many times "the crowd roared", how many times he "killed it", "nailed it", was "awesome". ...more
Erik Larson
I like Jim, he is very funny. I got to see his stand up act at the local comedy club. His stories and routine were too funny! The book is pretty good to. At some points in the book iwas laughing so hard i was crying. His stories are very relateable. However, I'm not Christian nor religious in any way and he seems to base alot of the unknown or unusual events in his life on his religious beliefs. to me that a bit annoying, but if you are Christian you would definately see this as spiritual. I thi I like Jim, he is very funny. I got to see his stand up act at the local comedy club. His stories and routine were too funny! The book is pretty good to. At some points in the book iwas laughing so hard i was crying. His stories are very relateable. However, I'm not Christian nor religious in any way and he seems to base alot of the unknown or unusual events in his life on his religious beliefs. to me that a bit annoying, but if you are Christian you would definately see this as spiritual. I think this is a good book for any faith but if you are Christian and want a funny book you absolutely must read this one. ...more
Mitch Johnston
Oct 27, 2016 rated it really liked it
VERY ENTERTAINING audiobook. Must be listened to for maximal appreciation. Jim's celebrity impersonations (Joe Pesci, Norm MacDonald, Dave Chappelle, Tracy Morgan,...) are not to be missed.

SPOILER ALERT! Do not buy this audiobook expecting 8 hours of Jim Breuer doing stand-up comedy. While there are plenty of laugh-out-loud moments (most notably the chapter on the filming of Half Baked with Dave Chappelle and his dog, Monk), the majority of his stories are focused on life-lessons and not told f

VERY ENTERTAINING audiobook. Must be listened to for maximal appreciation. Jim's celebrity impersonations (Joe Pesci, Norm MacDonald, Dave Chappelle, Tracy Morgan,...) are not to be missed.

SPOILER ALERT! Do not buy this audiobook expecting 8 hours of Jim Breuer doing stand-up comedy. While there are plenty of laugh-out-loud moments (most notably the chapter on the filming of Half Baked with Dave Chappelle and his dog, Monk), the majority of his stories are focused on life-lessons and not told for maximum comedic effect.

A more appropriate title for the book may have been "Jim Breuer's Guide to Surviving Celebrity While Maintaining One's Humanity."

Jen Evans
Oct 30, 2010 rated it it was amazing
This is not the book I thought it would be. I thought it was going to be a collection of stories about crazy stunts and nights, but instead I found a theme of loyalty to oneself and one's family, friends, and faith. It was a spiritual, insightful, and humbling story about balancing fame with real life. Not something you'd expect from someone who played a stoner on Half Baked, or a goat-man on SNL.

My favorite line is when he says, "I'm not your idol. That character's (from Half Baked) your idol.

This is not the book I thought it would be. I thought it was going to be a collection of stories about crazy stunts and nights, but instead I found a theme of loyalty to oneself and one's family, friends, and faith. It was a spiritual, insightful, and humbling story about balancing fame with real life. Not something you'd expect from someone who played a stoner on Half Baked, or a goat-man on SNL.

My favorite line is when he says, "I'm not your idol. That character's (from Half Baked) your idol. If I was your idol, then you'd have kids and morals and be way into your family."

Rather disappointed because I expected this book to be laugh-out-loud hilarious all the way through. Instead, I found it to be mildly amusing in places with only a couple of hilarious incidents.

Mr. Breuer comes across as rather directionless in life and seems to have a hard time sticking with what he knows is right. At the same time there is a strong providential force working in his life. Yet he has no clue what that force is, and seems to have no interest in finding out.

Still, the stories of h

Rather disappointed because I expected this book to be laugh-out-loud hilarious all the way through. Instead, I found it to be mildly amusing in places with only a couple of hilarious incidents.

Mr. Breuer comes across as rather directionless in life and seems to have a hard time sticking with what he knows is right. At the same time there is a strong providential force working in his life. Yet he has no clue what that force is, and seems to have no interest in finding out.

Still, the stories of his father's later years pulls it up to 3 stars. Otherwise, it would have been 2.

Sarah Obsesses over Books & Cookies
Okay. i'm 100 pages in and it's okay. THe first 50 or were hilarious. Jim talked of his early life and how he knew he wanted to make people laugh but as it progressed i get this sense that there is some stuff he's leaving out. He says he's a believer in God and that he thinks things have happened for a reason for him like fate. He prays and he's trying to be a good person I get that. I just think that it's a little too goody goody and it comes off fake or something. Maybe it's just me. Okay. i'm 100 pages in and it's okay. THe first 50 or were hilarious. Jim talked of his early life and how he knew he wanted to make people laugh but as it progressed i get this sense that there is some stuff he's leaving out. He says he's a believer in God and that he thinks things have happened for a reason for him like fate. He prays and he's trying to be a good person I get that. I just think that it's a little too goody goody and it comes off fake or something. Maybe it's just me. ...more
Aug 22, 2014 rated it really liked it
Our family loves hearing Jim Breuer's comedy routines on the comedy channel on XM. It's hilarious stuff that anyone with kids and family can relate to. So when I saw his book on the library shelf, I decided to give it a try. It was very interesting learning more about his life, especially the stories about his parents, early years, and the SNL stuff, although some of it I'd already heard in his routines. I liked the way he dealt with faith without sounding preachy or crazy. Our family loves hearing Jim Breuer's comedy routines on the comedy channel on XM. It's hilarious stuff that anyone with kids and family can relate to. So when I saw his book on the library shelf, I decided to give it a try. It was very interesting learning more about his life, especially the stories about his parents, early years, and the SNL stuff, although some of it I'd already heard in his routines. I liked the way he dealt with faith without sounding preachy or crazy. ...more
Dec 01, 2010 rated it liked it
Jim Breuer is a funny guy. I loved reading this book and I loved all the stories he tells in it. However I felt it was too short and a lot of the stories weren't detailed enough. Hopefully if he writes another book about his life, he won't hold back as much. Either way, I'll still read anything he ever writes. Jim Breuer is a funny guy. I loved reading this book and I loved all the stories he tells in it. However I felt it was too short and a lot of the stories weren't detailed enough. Hopefully if he writes another book about his life, he won't hold back as much. Either way, I'll still read anything he ever writes. ...more
Jim Breuer is an American stand-up comedian, actor and radio host. He is most noted for his time as a cast member on Saturday Night Live and starring in the 1998 cult "stoner comedy" Half Baked, alongside Dave Chappelle. Jim Breuer is an American stand-up comedian, actor and radio host. He is most noted for his time as a cast member on Saturday Night Live and starring in the 1998 cult "stoner comedy" Half Baked, alongside Dave Chappelle. ...more

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